LOOM 의 오리지날 아트워크를 볼 수 있을까 했는데... 그건 없군.
여튼 8bit game art 는 아래 color cycling 이란 기법에 대한 설명처럼 추가적인 작업이 많이 필요한 거구나.
8비트라고 우습게 봐선 안된다
예전 사람들의 작업 결과물은 어쩌면 지금보다 훨씬 더 정교하고 아름다웠을지도 모른다
관련글 여기
“However, there was one graphic artist who took the technique to a whole new level, and produced absolutely breathtaking color cycling scenes. Mark J. Ferrari, who also illustrated all the original backgrounds for LucasArts Loom, and some for The Secret of Monkey Island, invented his own unique ways of using color cycling for envrironmental effects that you really have to see to believe. These include rain, snow, ocean waves, moving fog, clouds, smoke, waterfalls, streams, lakes, and more. And all these effects are achieved without any layers or alpha channels -- just one single flat image with one 256 color palette”
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