Apple (아이폰/아이팟터치/아이패드/맥)
아이튠즈 재설치 후 아이폰 인식 문제
2011. 9. 13. 14:06
윈7을 깔고 아이튠즈(itunes)를 깔고 아이폰 (iPhone) 을 재인식시키고자
/사용자/App??/Roaming/Apple Computer/~~/Backup 아래 동기화 파일까지 원복했는데
문제는 itunes 에서 영 iphone 을 제대로 인식하지 못하는것이다.
계속 USB mass storage ? 이미지 저장소? 뭐 이런걸로만 인식하는 문제였는데
구글링을 하다 보니 아이튠즈 설치 후 USB 드라이버 장치 업데이트를 하면 된다고 하여
속는셈치고 했더니 성공.
이것때문에 itunes 재설치도 하고 별 짓을 다 했는데
다 필요없었군.
1. Disconnect the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch from the computer. 2. Take a photo with the iPhone. For iPod touch or iPad, save a screenshot by pressing the Home button and Wake/Sleep buttons and letting go. The screen should flash briefly. (Taking screenshots and saving images on iPod touch requires software version 2.0 or later.) 3. Open the Device Manager in Windows, as follows: Windows XP: Click Start > Run. In the resulting dialog type devmgmt.msc and press Return on the keyboard. Windows Vista or Windows 7: Click Start. In the dialog, type devmgmt.msc and press Return on the keyboard. If Windows needs your permission to continue, click "Continue". 4. Expand the sections labeled as follows. Not all sections may be listed: * Imaging Devices * Other Devices * Portable Devices * Universal Serial Bus Controllers 5. Re-connect your iphone 6. Look for the entry that recognizes the device as a camera. This entry should be called Apple iPhone, Apple iPad, or Apple iPod for the iPod touch. 7. Right click the device and select properties, then driver, then update driver. Taadaa! Windows should now detect an iphone device and install the correct drivers. Hope this helped. |
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