automount 어떻게 하나 잘 안나왔는데 찾아보니
도스박스 위키를 보이 저런 내용이 있군.
Editing DOSBox preferencesAfter you first run DOSBox, go to the ~/Library/Preferences/ folder and open the newly created file DOSBox 0.74 Preferences. The exact folder name in the Finder may vary, depending on the language you use for OS X. By editing this file, you can set the system settings and initialization values that define your emulated environment. You can also add MOUNTcommands to the AUTOEXEC section at the bottom of the configuration files, so that you do not have to type them in every time you start DOSBox. |
홈디렉토리에서 DOSBOX preference 를 vi 로 에디트한다.
vi DOSBox\ 0.74\ Preferences |
(...) [autoexec] (...) mount c ~/($DOS_LOCATION) c: |
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